Or click on individual chapters in the "History" column to the right. (Helpful hint: click on any image to enlarge)


3. Southward to Texas

Thursday, February 19, 1942

I have received my orders and I am to report for basic training at Camp Wolters, located four miles east of Mineral Wells, Texas, located just west of the Dallas-Forth Worth area. I will travel there by train with thousands of other inductees.

We depart from Fort Snelling, Minnesota, on this cold winter afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

Inductees boarding a military train at Fort Snelling (left) during the winter of 1942 [courtesy]. A military train loaded with inductees bound for basic training during the winter of 1942 (right) [public domain].

Post card of the Minneapolis American Legion Club sent to my mother: "On train. Thur. February 19th. Time: 5:20 P.M. 50 minutes out of Ft. Snelling. Headed for Texas, Inf. Replacement Center, Camp Wolters. Howard"

Friday, February 20, 1942

Post card of the Washington Monument at Union Station Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri, sent to my mother: "At eleven in forenoon. We are in rail road yards at Kan. City, Missouri. We will pick up 6 more cars of soldiers here. Jim Larson and Herb Oldenburg are on this train but they are going to Camp Barkley [Texas] to be in medical corps. The rest of us are going to Camp WOLTERS near Mineral Wells and Ft. Worth. You might as well keep my National Ben. Society insurance paid up. Saw Ray Corbett in Ft. Snelling. Howard"

Post card of the terminal building at the Kansas City airport sent to my mother: "Feb. 20th. Time: 3:45 P.M. Somewhere in Oklahoma. We have just crossed the line from Kan. into Oklahoma. There is still little spots of snow here and there and little patches of ice in shady places. Remember I am Prvt. Howard W. Branstner when you write. I will give you my correct address later. I hope you got my letter with the insurance papers in. I wish I had a map so I could see where I am at. This makes 4 cards I have sent today. Howard. Later -- I'll mail this in Tulsa."

Fort Snelling to Camp Wolters is 1,016 miles by train. The trip took approximately 38 hours, including stops at Kansas City and Tulsa [courtesy:].


Anonymous said...

This is truly amazing work. As I said before you should be proud (I was the anonymous commenter the time before--hit that one instead of the one below). Can't wait for more.

Anonymous said...

Sam this is so great. I have told Nicole to tell Dustin about this. Since Dustin is in the military and watches the history channel, I thought they would find this interesting. It makes for better reading when you know it is your own Great Uncle you are reading about!!!

Heidi said...

patiently waiting for more! more more more more!!!!! common! more more!!!!

The Original Diary

The Original Diary
Here is the inspiration and primary source for this entire blog. Note the year for these entries was actually 1943, although Howard was using pages from 1942, as evidenced by the mention of the cities of Morsot and Tebessa and the fact that Howard was still in basic training in Texas in March 1942. He had to be creative with his limited resources and use whatever paper was available, which made researching this project somewhat of a puzzle at first.